The term “pull request (pr)” often causes confusion among developers and other software professionals. Originally associated with GitHub, its precise meaning can sometimes be elusive and requires frequent look-ups.

In the context of software development, a “PR” represents the initiation of the process to merge new code changes into the main project repository. The term “pull request” comes from the notion of requesting the project to incorporate changes from a feature branch. However, a more intuitive term would be “merge request,” as it accurately describes the action that takes place. Using “merge request” can help clarify the process for everyone involved.

Addressing Misconceptions and Improving Clarity

The 2022 State of Testing in DevOps Report by Mabl introduces further confusion with its charts, which raises several important questions.

For instance, when did pull requests become a distinct stage in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), particularly for executing functional tests? Typically, an approved pull request triggers a build process (Continuous Integration) that runs a series of tests. However, it is not the pull request itself that performs these tests. This distinction is crucial for understanding the workflow.

Another confusing aspect is the idea of identifying bugs within a pull request. It seems more plausible that bugs are discovered during the actual merge with the main branch, rather than within the request itself. This nuance can significantly impact how developers perceive and handle code reviews and testing.

The terminology used in software development is vital, and its accurate application is critical for clear communication. A recent Twitter discussion on pull requests, initiated by Matt Wynne, underscores that these concerns about terminology are shared by others in the industry. Misunderstandings about terms like “pull request” can lead to confusion and inefficiencies in the development process.

To avoid such confusion, it’s important to use clear and precise language. Referring to a “pull request” as a “merge request” can help align the term with its actual function, thereby reducing ambiguity. Clear communication ensures that all team members have a shared understanding of the process, which can lead to more efficient and effective collaboration.

Ultimately, the goal is to foster a shared language that accurately reflects the actions being taken in the development process. This shared understanding can improve the workflow, enhance collaboration, and reduce the likelihood of misunderstandings that could potentially slow down or complicate the development process. By using terms that accurately describe their function, such as “merge request,” the industry can move towards a more standardized and clear approach to software development terminology.

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